Autumn makes me happy

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Many say that you can tell a lot about a person from the car they drive,
or by nosing through their medicine cabinet,
or maybe the books they read..or the artwork in their home.

I believe that a person's refrigerator magnets and the things on display under those magnets, speaks volumes about the individuals that live in that home at eat from that fridge..

Think of fact, go look at your fridge. I'll wait.

See what I mean?
If your household has small children, you probably have wonderful artwork created from crayons and markers, maybe even construction paper and paste on display.

Older children? maybe a schedule of ball games, or concerts and music lessons.

Single? Perhaps schedules of meetings you plan to attend, or stock quotes, or maybe something from a book or the newspaper that inspires you..

Older people? A list of medications you take and the times of day to take them maybe. Or you children's phone numbers and maybe photographs of your grandchildren.

It can be anything, but I'll bet it's all you.
Whatever it is.

I too have things on my fridge that speak about me.
On the front, I have four magnets that tell a lot about my philosophy.
and it's not just the magnets, but who gave them to me that make them my favorites.

Mandi, who was influenced a lot in her childhood by older people( we had many friends that were her grandparents age or older and she called all of them "Grandma"
I imagine she really thought they were her grandma too!)
She gave me the Gertrude Stein magnet..

Rachael, who has come to the realization that no matter how odd our family may seem... we're certainly no stranger than most and even less weird than many..
She gave me the Joe Ancis magnet.

My sister Judy (BooBoo), who has a passion for all dogs everywhere. She taught me to find solace in the love of a dog more than any other person.
She gave me the Dog magnet.

And lastly, my friend Theresa, who knows me pretty damn well and still likes me, knows that if push comes to shove... no, I really don't give a s@$t what people think of me.
She gave me the magnet with the naughty word on it.

so that's my fridge..
what does yours say about you?

refridgerator philosophy