Autumn makes me happy

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Oh my gawd! I just watched the season finale of Lost.

and now I wait HOW long for the next season?!

Locke is dead?! Claire is in California?! ( I know, I know , it was just Kate's dream..still, they showed her for a reason)

What the heck was Kate doing for Sawyer last show anyway? Was it whatever he whispered to her before he jumped off the helicopter?

And isn't there something a little odd about baby Aaron? Why do we never see a full view of him when he's awake?

Jack is the only one that makes sense.He's a tortured soul with a drinking problem, but we forgive him all that because he's gorgeous.

Going to be a long summer TV wise.. no Lost, no Heroes , no football.
I'd better learn to love baseball I guess..


Mandi said...

AAAACK! No spoiler warning - and I haven't seen it yet! :)

I read the sentence that said Locke... and managed to stop myself. I'm going to have to watch that tape tonight!

Mary said...

git busy girl! we need to talk!

Unknown said...

Did you notice the little baton Ben took before he 'moved the island? He had it when he landed in the desert. If you look at the very first scene of the very first episode you you will notice that when jack opens his eyes when he is lying on the ground, that baton is on the ground beside him.

All you girls love Jack. But the best thing on the show is Penny and Desmond!

Mary said...

Robert, you're a hopeless romantic!