Autumn makes me happy

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


OK then...

I have a new 'job'.
Actually it's a new 'position', but at the Post Office we say we've gotten a new 'job'
This one is a little bit new. Different responsibilities ; a little more money. and of course, completely new hours and days off.

I'm adjusting.
Currently I am terribly homesick for my old 'job' and mostly my old co-workers.
Yet, I remind myself that when a prisoner is released from a long prison sentence , they miss the security of what they know so well.
In other words, this may still be the best move for me right now. I just need more time to adjust.

There are some positives manifesting already however.
ie the shoulder pain I've been dealing with for so many months ( the one that wakes me up in the night? that one.) is already easing considerably.
Saturdays off? I've got em.
Along with a promise from my supervisor that he won't ever have to 'mandatory' (postal grammar) me to work on Saturday, ever.
Speaking of supervisors.
I have a good one.
He's normal, he's human and he has compassion for people.
Huh... how did that happen in the Postal Service?
Anyway, I remember when he first hired on as a Letter Carrier. He's always been this way.
I just need to give it some time. I will hopefully find my niche at the new position and make myself a little home here.
We'll see i guess!

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